Twiglet #182

A twiglet’s aim is to “prompt” a thought. If something comes to mind, write. A polished piece isn’t the goal; creativity is. Leave a link, if you’d like your work read, but comments should not be expected.

26 thoughts on “Twiglet #182”

    1. I’ve read your poem several times, waited before commenting, and I’m wondering about Debi’s reference to amnesia. Can you or Debi help me with this?

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      1. I think often when people are in terrible accidents, sometimes knocked unconscious that they don’t remember all the details of how they ended up waking in a hospital (or any other place). If in a coma, once they wake sometimes there is damage to the brain in such a way that some portion of their lives is forgotten – So I think in reference to my piece the character was trying to wake but the foggy or unreachable memories could mimic or be actual amnesia of the event. I think that type of memory loss is actually called Traumatic Amnesia.

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          1. Dementia… or some anyway are a type of more permanent often but not always (older) age related. Dementia is a broad term.


  1. Sorry for the duplicate 🙂 It’s never certain whether pingbacks work. Have a good weekend!


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