Twiglet #119

A twiglet is a short phrase. Or a word. Its aim is to “prompt” a flow. A thought. A memory. If something comes to mind, write. A polished piece isn’t the goal; creativity is. Leave a link, if you’d like your work read, but comments should not be expected. Twiglets are posted on Tuesdays.

32 thoughts on “Twiglet #119”

      1. I run with first thoughts… not sure why I thought of those swallows… maybe there was also an article in the paper?
        Stopped by your place, but the door isn’t open.
        Hope all is well… I’ve had to stall some blogs too because of ‘twits’. But it is such a pain to open new ones. At least I still have one option open… for now.


          1. Peder’s been retired for 7-years, and I think these years are the absolute best so far. I wish you many happy years, D.


            1. Thanks, Misky. So far it has been great, We plan to travel some (aside from the grandparent traveling) and probably build a smaller house. But the finally getting to spend time together is wonderful.

              Liked by 1 person

  1. Tear a cloud like ripping
    a goose down pillow,
    and the honking
    billows loose
    a rapture

    Jolt the sky
    and Starling pepper
    shakes from trees,
    spiced tweets
    in their beaks

    Birdsong raining,
    each drop an opera
    of après moi le déluge,
    the rising river
    caws and effect


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