Twiglet #218

no wind blowing

A twiglet’s aim is to “prompt” a thought. If something comes to mind, write. A polished piece isn’t the goal; creativity is. Leave a link, if you’d like your work read, but comments should not be expected.

21 thoughts on “Twiglet #218”

  1. When something is so very important. The arrival but postponed for the lesson in between. Why necessarily suspended – the answer has been long in the becoming. There’s a hurricane swirling learning to not fall not now. The pain, the need, the pain – growing pains.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Waiting Impatiently

    Floating on a Sargasso Sea
    in the gyre of circling currents
    going nowhere
    praying for a westerly wind,
    zephyr, come and blow me home.
    I’m longing for the land.

    Liked by 4 people

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